My music on Youtube, with own compositions or arrangements.
Violeta Ramos Band, Electric Harp
Fantasia, Alonso Mudarra
Asi hablan los angeles
Mirame otra vez R. Ayala
Danza del mar composed by V.Ramos
Paisajes, composed by V. Ramos
Nuevo, composed by Violeta Ramos
Espejos composed by V. Ramos
Suite for paraguayan harp commposed by Pablo Aguirre for Violeta Ramos
Swing House, Michael Langer
Heardland, Pat Metheny
Benefiz Konzert live
Education, concerts, press reviews
Violeta Ramos initially received lessons on her main instrument, the Paraguayan harp, from Luis Bordón, Chochín Balbuena and Nicolás Caballero.
She received her teaching diploma as an instrumental teacher with a major in classical guitar, which she studied at the "Escuela de Bellas Artes" in Quilmes (Buenos Aires, 1986/99).
In parallel, she studied tango folklore and jazz at the "Escuela de música popular de Avellaneda" (Buenos Aires, 1995-2000), as well as composition with electronic media at the "University of Quilmes" (1992-1997 ).
She took various courses such as
-Folklore and tango with Hilda Herrera
- Improvisation with Ricardo Capellano at the "Cultural Center San Martín".
In Switzerland, Violeta Ramos did further training in early music at the "Schola Cantorum Basiliensis" in Basel with Heidrum Rosenzweig (2003-05).
In Asunción (Paraguay) and Rosario (Argentina) she took a course in orchestra conducting with Luis Zarán, and Eva Lopszyc (Orquesta Nacional de Asunción 94-95).
In Switzerland she studies composition with Christoph Baumann (from 2011).
At the beginning of her career, at the age of 16, Violeta Ramos played in various traditional folklore formations. Later she founded various duo formations (harp and guitar; harp and flute). She writes her own arrangements and compositions to participate in International Harp and Music Festivals.
Among the many concert commitments as a representative of Argentina or Latin America
-A guest tour to the cities of Belgrade, Zrenjanin and Novi Sad at the invitation of the concert organizer Yugoconcert.
- The International Harp Festival in Arles (France '99) at the invitation of the harpist Marielle Nordman.
-The Latin American Harp Festival in the Federal District, Veracruz and Xalapa (Mexico '95) at the invitation of the harpists Lidia Tamayo and Mercedes Gomez.
-The International Harp Festival in Lommel (Belgium 2005- 2019).
-The Eurofestival Zufpmusik Bamberg and Bruchsal (Germany 2006, 2010).
-The European Harp Symposium in Wales (Cardiff 2007).
- The Harp Meeting in Switzerland (Rifferswill 2007).
-The International Festival "Guitarras del Mundo" in Argentina (Buenos Aires 2007) at the invitation of guitarist Juan Falú.
-The World Harp Congress in Amsterdam (Holand 2008).
-Christmas concerts in KKL Lucerne (Switzerland 2009).
-Music Festival "entrecuerdas" Santiago, Santa Cruz and Rengo (Chile 2009).
-Concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg (2010).
-International Guitar Festival in Biel (Switzerland 2010-2014).
-Regular appearances in Sils Maria, St Moritz, Zurich.
She gave regular concerts as a representative of Paraguay.
-The International Music Festival in São Paulo (Brazil '95).
-The cities of La Habana, Villa Clara, Cienfuegos, Villa Maria, Varadero (Cuba '97).
-The National Music Festival Cosquín ('92 and '93), Chajary, San Carlos de Bariloche, Trelew, Corrientes, San Luis, La Pampa (Argentina '86 to '94)
-Traditional festivals in Santiago, Asunción, San Bernardino as well as the Harp Festival Tacuareré (Asunción/'93) (Paraguay).
Various contemporary arrangers and composers such as Eva Lopszyc and Pablo Aguirre wrote works for her. One of Lopszyc's works, a composition for harp accompanied by a chamber orchestra, was performed after its premiere at the Rosario Theater (Province of Santa Fe) in the "Salon Dorado" of the legendary "Teatro Colón" (Buenos Aires). It was the first time that the Paraguayan harp was heard in this prominent theater (1992).
Participation in several radio and television productions in Germany, Switzerland, Argentina and Paraguay (as well as the national radio of these two countries).
She won several prizes in Argentina (Buenos Aires), Paraguay (Asunción), Weimar (Germany) and received the highest musical awards from the Mayor Berazategui, the Minister of Health of the City of Buenos Aires, Juan José Mussi and the Paraguayan representation FEPARA in Buenos Aires.
Violeta Ramos was hired as a jury member for youth music competitions in Buenos Aires (1999) and in Einsiedeln (2004). She was a member of the organizing committee of the harp association ASARPA.
Her repertoire includes titles from tango and South American folk music arranged in a modern chamber music style, as well as her own compositions.
Violeta Ramos regularly receives invitations as a guest musician for various projects, such as:
-The performance of the children's musical "In the Land of the Colorful".
-"Christmas Oratorio by Saint Saenz" for orchestra, choir and soloists (St. Jakob Church in Cham).
-Concerts with the Lucerne Marching Band, string quartet and children's choir conducted by Urs Ehrenzeller (Theater KKL Luzern).
- "Misa para un continente" with choir and orchestra (Zofingen church).
-"New Year's Concert 2012" (Seewen Parish Church).
-"Misa Criolla", direction: Patric Ricklin (Sils Maria; and St Moritz, 2015)
-"Misa Criolla" Direction: Oscar Echeverry ( Zurich 2015).
-"Navidad Nuestra"" and Misa de Cantos", directed by David Schneider, (Cham 2018, Rott 2019).
concert venue
Among the numerous concerts in churches, theaters, museums, art galleries are the addresses:
-Brunswick Castle- Red Hall, the EXPO 2000 in Hanover, the adult education center in Stuttgart, the jazz clubs B-flat and A-train in Berlin, the Kulturfabrik Berlin (Germany).
-The Wales Millennium Center Cardiff (UK)
-The Musiekgebouw in Amsterdam (Netherlands).
-The Slavic Cultural Center in Moscow, the Petrikricha in St. Petersburg (Russia).
-The Casa Paraguaya, the Casa del Chaco, the Teatro Hugo de Carril, iFT, luz y Fuerza, Teatro Colón, San Martín, Argentino, Centro Cultural Berazategui (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
- Benedictine monastery near Rengo, Viña Estampa near Santa Cruz, Centro Cultural Los Condes in Santiago (Chile).
-KKL Luzern, Unique airport (Zurich), Burgbachsaal, Galerie die Artis (Zug), Gottfried Keller Zentrum (Glattfelden), Wartegg Castle, Überstorf Castle, Haldenstein Castle, Museum for Communication (Bern), Landesmuseum (Zurich), Grand Hotel Bellevue (Gstaad) (Switzerland)
During the various international concerts she gave, she shared the stage with the musicians Luis Bordón, Nicolás Caballero (Paraguay), Ramón Ayala (Argentina), Dominique Bouchoud (France), Andrew Laurence King (UK), Xu Fengxia (China). ) Fides auf der Mauer (Switzerland) Jana Vassilensko (Russia) and Los Paraguayos with Reynaldo Meza.
Between 1992 and 1999 Violeta Ramos gave music lessons in various kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in Buenos Aires.
She is currently teaching classical guitar at the music school in Hochdorf (Lucerne) and the music school in Knonau (Zurich) (time 2006).
Violeta regularly gives workshops for harp students on Latin American music.
In 2002, together with Richard Schneider, she founded her own music school "stimme.voices.voces del mundo" in the old town of Zug, the first educational institution in Central Switzerland for the Paraguayan harp, which Violeta Ramos teaches using her own harp method._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
In 2010 she published the first music book for harp students edited by Creightons Collection Wales (further editions can be found in shop)
As organizer she organized monthly concerts with international musicians of different styles (2002 to 2010) in the old town of Zug.
Harp sheet music by Violeta Ramos
CDs and sheet music:
-De Argentina con amor, Paraguay 1991.
- Juntos, Argentina 1995, with flute.
-Tango and folklore, Switzerland 2004, with Richard Schneider (guitar) Miguel Fernández (bandoneón), Domingo Rey (vocals)
-37 + 8 strings, Germany 2007, with Richard Schneider (Git)
-Latin american music for harp, Violeta Ramos sheet music and CD, (edit creightons Collection Wales 2010)
-Acá no bailamos milonga, sheet music for 4 harps (Edit Creightons Collection 2012)
-Che Rey, sheet music for 4 harps (Edit. Creightons Collection 2013)
-Guarania 1, sheet music for harp and classical guitar (Trekel, Germany 2014)
-Espejos, for harp and guitar. Trekel, 2014
-tango: Sheet Music for 4 Harps ( Creightons, 2017)
-tango: Sheet Music for String Quartet (Violins, Violoncello, Double Bass) (Creightons 2017)
press votes
“Los que ya tuvimos la oportunidad de disfrutar de su arte, confiamos en su consagración definitiva en el ambito internacional.” (Paraguay Ñane-retá, 1995)
“Con solo 19 años es una artista de Berazategui ya reconocida en distintas latitudes.” (Diario el sol, 1994)
"Las interpretaciones conjugan la improvisación con las influencias de la música moderna de cámara y se fusionan en forma original en complejas estructuras acousticas, sin que por ello las composiciones pierdan esencia, ritmo, originalidad." (Ñane retã, Asuncion/Buenos Aires)
"The greeting was friendly, the game was professional and sovereign." (New Zug newspaper)
“Violeta Ramos, ambassador de L`Argentine et de la harpe folklorique...La passion pour la harpe de V.Ramos correspond a l'idée que se fait Marielle Nordman de L'instrument ». (Arles, LeJournal, 11/4/99)
“A very good musical and precise performing of national southamerican rhythms, was awarded with long and openhearted applause”…(Fortunecity, Belgrade 1999)
"The duo Violeta Ramos & Richard Schneider began to take their audience on an exciting journey "From Mexico to Tierra del Fuego - On the trail of the South American folklore harp". Breathtaking harp sounds, played by Violeta Ramos, in combination with the classical guitar, played by Richard Schneider, impressed from the first minute. With 18 carefully selected titles, the audience visibly enjoyed this event and provided the appropriate warmth for the artists” (Press Agency for Paraguayan Media, 2003)
"Despite the specialization in terms of instruments, the two musicians cultivate an amazing stylistic range. Although they place the main emphasis on Argentine and Paraguayan folk music, they also play new music, which today's composers are increasingly writing for folk harp and guitar" (Neue Zuger Zeitung , December 4, 2002)
The selection and individual processing of the works and the unmistakably independent sound character of the group, which was able to captivate the audience at numerous performances and festivals, are impressive. The line-up creates a fascinating and extraordinary timbre that convinces with its airy and atmospheric sound. (art and culture community Langen)
"Joven interprete, quien ha sabido ganarse el reconocimiento de autoridades, Institutions y vecinos por su calidad como interprete y su personalidad, digna de todos los elogios"...(Dr. JJMussi, Ministro de salud de Buenos Aires, 1995)
« Pour celui de Violeta Ramos, harpiste argentine de talent qui an interprété des morceaux issus du folklore de L'Amérique latine ils ont demandé des autographes et ont offert un bouquet. » (Arles, le Journal 6.11.99 )
« Modern works on an unusual instrument, played in an unusual venue in the old town of Zug » (Neue Zuger Zeitung, 2003)
"Violeta Ramos, an exceptional artist" (Periódico Encuentro, Basel 2004)
"...And when the sounds of a harp rise to heaven, played by an angel, a grandmother sighs audibly and a suspiciously blissful smile covers her face" (Neue Zuger Zeitung, 2004)
“It is an orgullo para mí, available to the calidad professional y humana de nuestra artista, la senora Violeta Ramos. Nuestra porque representa a nuestro terruño y porque así la queremos. Su calidad professional ha sido demostrada a través de numerosas presentaciones, haciéndola acreedora del reconocimento y adhesion de todo el público amante de la música.” (Dr. JJMussi, Intendente de Berazategui y ministro de Salud de Bs As, 1999)
“Violeta Ramos es poseedora de una brilliant trayectoria, destacándose en nuestro medio como una excelente profesional de la música...... ....... Todo esto se complementa con sus brillantes cualidades personales, intellectuales y humanas, lo cual hacen de la mencionada compatriota una profesional y ciudadana de condiciones relevantes, digna representante embajadora de la cultura popular Argentina, distinguishing arpista de gran futuro en nuestra música popular, de la más alta significación.” (Lic. R. Tolosa, jefe de la biblioteca de la Universidad de Salta, 1999)
"Bamberg meeting point of the Champions League" Eurofestival zupfmusik 2006 - the festival of superlatives" (Magazine Concertino, Hamburg 2006)