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Sound and meditation

A journey into yourself   (Video)

Sound experience with Violeta Ramos, to develop intuitive, creative skills, relaxation, healing.

-The healing influence of string vibrations has long been scientifically proven.

I offer this method, which has been practiced in monasteries for thousands of years, in a modern form for stressed people and as prevention in combination of a harp session with meditation.

These harp meditation sessions are ideal for harmonizing the soul and spirit. I will help you relax your heart and soul with my harp sounds, tailored to your meditative situation. The improvised sounds are different depending on the situation and are pure communication and energy!

The intuitive, creative abilities are optimally addressed by my combination of harp music and meditation. 

Here you enter a level beyond time and space. New dimensions and experiences are open to you.



-Companion-advisor to various managers and financial personalities, as “islands of peace” during their short business breaks.

Arrangement at Lasalle Institute Menzingen committed to providing musical accompaniment when conducting seminars for leaders in business, politics and society.

-Yoga Nidra and harp music, together with Thomas Gloor.  

-Music in church services, as a musical accompanist in church services of various religions.

-Music in old people's homes and homes for the disabled in Switzerland and Argentina.

-I treat animals using natural energy. This


promotes and supports the healing of animals. In

Collaboration with different farms like that


Puureheimet Foundation in Stallikon, like the Haller family in


Rifferswill and private people with animals.

Further training:

-Seminars 1, 2 and 3 with Mr. Thai in energy focusing and treatment center Lucerne, 2017.

-Seminars at, 2021.

-Seminars at, 2021 and 2022.

-Cura cuántica unificada at Susanacorderosa 2022-2023.

-My own long years of experience in meditation and energy work that I practice and the effect of my own music have helped me in various difficult life situations.

The connection to my inner world has always helped me to make decisions, develop creativity, experience healing processes and generally enjoy life. I came to this state with the help of meditation and the sounds of my harp. I would like to pass this experience on to people who need it.


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